東京都千代田区丸の内3-2-2 丸の内二重橋ビル6階

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ICC国際仲裁セミナー 2019 Arbitration Seminar in Japan

今回のセミナーでは、ICC国際仲裁裁判所所長であるAlexis Mourre氏を招き、ICC仲裁の最新情報をご説明いたします。また、メインプログラムとして国際仲裁の早期解決のために活用されている緊急仲裁に焦点を当て、ICC仲裁の実務をご紹介するとともに、模擬仲裁を通じて、実際にどのような点が緊急仲裁で問題となるかをご覧頂きます。

This seminar is to invite Mr. Alexis Mourre, President of ICC International Court of Arbitration and provide the audience with the latest information on ICC arbitration. This seminar will focus on the emergency arbitrator proceedings which has been used for early settlement of international arbitration cases, introduce how the ICC arbitration has been practically conducted and further show the audience what actually becomes issues in the emergency arbitrator proceedings.. This seminar is open to the public regardless of whether you are a member of ICC Japan or not. This is a good opportunity to obtain the information on the latest trend of the international arbitration. We hope you will participate in this seminar.

ICC国際仲裁セミナー 2019 Arbitration Seminar in Japanのご案内詳細

1. 日時
  Date & Time
2019年10月16日(水) 13:30 - 17:00 (受付:13:00~)
October 16, 2019 (Wed.) 13:30 – 17:00 (Registration: 13:00- )
2. 場所
ベルサール六本木グランドコンファレンスセンター 会議室H
Belle Salle Roppongi Grand Conference Center, Meeting Room H
9th Fl. Sumitomo Fudosan Roppongi Grand Tower, 3-2-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
3. 申込方法
申込書に和英併記で記入し、 切り取らずにFAXまたはEメールにて
国際商業会議所日本委員会事務局宛に2019年10月15日(火)15:00までに お送りください

Please fill out the application form (Page 5) in both Japanese and English and send by FAX or e-mail to ICC Japan Secretariat no later than 03:00 p.m. on October 15, 2019 (Tue.) without cutting out the form from this leaflet.
*No certificate for participation, etc. will be issued. Please come to the registration desk at the venue on the day. Please be advised that your business card will be collected on the day.

4. 登録料
Free of charge (for both members and non-members)
5. 問い合わせ先
国際商業会議所日本委員会 ( ICC JAPAN)
東京都千代田区丸の内3丁目2番2号 丸の内二重橋ビル6階

International Chamber of Commerce JAPAN ( ICCJ)
Marunouchi Nijubashi Bldg. 2-2,Marunouchi 3-chome,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Phone-03-3213-8585  Fax: 03-3213-8589